Undergraduate Program Requirements
The Department of Black Studies offers a broad range of interdisciplinary courses leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree in Black Studies or a minor in Black Studies. Students are encouraged to examine the dynamics and intersections of race, class, gender, politics, and economics. The Black Studies curriculum is composed of its own core courses as a well as a variety of elective courses in the humanities and social sciences.
2024-2025 Black Studies Major Requirements
2024-2025 Black Studies Minor Requirements
Are you interested in Black Studies?
For more information on how to declare your major or minor in Black Studies, read below! All questions as they relate to the major and minor requirements can be directed to the Undergraduate Advisor.
Declaring the Major
Those interested in declaring their major in Black Studies must contact the Undergraduate Advisor to arrange a meeting. Meeting with the department advisor is an essential step toward declaring and understanding the course requirements for the major in Black Studies. The Undergraduate Advisor meets with all newly declared or interested students to discuss the major requirements and ensure that each student is on track to graduate in a timely manner.
How do I declare my major in Black Studies?
1. Complete and sign the Change of Major petition document using the link below. This petition must be approved by the Chair. Send completed petitions to the Undergraduate Advisor.
2. Are you a double major?
Double-majors must complete the Change of Major petition and the Memo of Understanding. Both of these completed forms can be sent to the Undergraduate Advisor.
If both of the majors you propose are offered by the College of Letters and Science, you must provide your identification, an estimate of the term in which you will graduate, and the number of units you will have earned at that time; page one of the memo provides a worksheet to assist you in making your estimate. Use the Progress Check on GOLD to assist you in completing the worksheet. Do not leave any fields blank on your form. If you propose to complete one major in the College of Letters and Science and another in a different college (Engineering or Creative Studies), you will need to provide a quarterly plan to fulfill all degree requirements.
3. All forms must be submitted to the Undergraduate Advisor. Incomplete forms will be returned to the student and not processed.
In most cases, the department’s approval is all you need. However, you will also need the approval from the Dean of Undergraduate Studies if:
- you are attempting to change your major after completion of 135 units
- you are changing to or from another college (Engineering or Creative Studies)
- you are proposing a double major (In this case, your petition must be accompanied by a Memo of Understanding)
Declaring the Minor
Those interested in declaring their minor in Black Studies must contact the Undergraduate Advisor to arrange a meeting. Meeting with the department advisor is an essential step toward declaring and understanding the course requirements for the minor in Black Studies. The Undergraduate Advisor meets with all newly declared or interested students to discuss the minor requirements and ensure that each student is on track to graduate in a timely manner.
How do I declare my minor in Black Studies?
1. To declare your minor in Black Studies you will need to complete the Petition to Declare the Black Studies Minor.
Petition to Declare the Black Studies Minor
2. All completed petitions must be sent to the Undergraduate Advisor. Failure to alert the department of your intent to declare the minor may result in an incomplete minor.
Need Help Planning out Your Proposed Major or Minor Requirements?
Click here to access a Graduation Plan Form
We want to know our students! Please keep us updated with any questions or concerns you may have about your Black Studies major or minor degree progress by contacting Nailah Rauf at nailah@ucsb.edu .